Pet Safety and Care for July 4th

While picnics, fireworks, and other 4th of July activities in Quartz Hill can be fun for people, you need to take precautions to protect your pet. Quartz Hill Veterinary Clinic has a few tips to keep your furry friend safe for the holiday.

Don’t Leave Alcoholic Drinks Around Pets

Alcoholic beverages can potentially poison your pet. If ingested, your pet could become weak and intoxicated and could slip into a coma. Death is also a concern in severe cases.

Food & Pet Care Safety

Many pets are going to be drawn to the smoker or grill. To keep your pets safe, keep them away from lighters, matches, and BBQs. They could easily knock over lit grills and get burned. Dispose of meat trays and food containers to prevent your pet from ingesting any plastic. Keep fat drippings away from your dog. “People food”, in general, can cause stomach issues and it’s best to keep your pet on its normal diet for the day.

Avoid Fireworks

Your pet shouldn’t be going to any 4th of July festivities. It’s best to keep your pet in a sheltered, quiet, and escape-proof area of your home. If the commotion bothers your pet, try to block any outside sounds, and create your own noise by turning on the TV or radio. If your animal also has known pet anxiety about this holiday, you should talk to your veterinarian about getting pet sedatives.

Lost Pets

Many pets go missing on the 4th of July more than any other time of the year. Your pet should have identification tags that are readable and current. It’s also a good idea to make sure your pet is microchipped with up to date information. Have a plan in place in case your pet does become lost. Be sure to familiarize yourself with local veterinary hospitals and shelters.

Keep Summer Items Away from Pets

Don’t use any insect repellent products for your pet that are not labeled for use on animals. You should also keep insect coils, tiki torch oil, and citronella candles away from pets. Ingestion of these objects can cause stomach irritation and possibly damage the central nervous system.

Visit Your Veterinarian for Preparation

At Quartz Hill Veterinary Clinic, our veterinarian will help you get pet sedatives, handle pet anxiety, and make sure your pet’s microchip information is up to date. Make an appointment today by calling us at (661) 943-7896.

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